Early Career Award Information

Early Career Award

The SIP Early Career Award

The Council of the Society of Invertebrate Pathology has created an Early Career Scientist award to recognize outstanding contributions from invertebrate pathologists who are in the early stage of their scientific/academic career. The winner of this award will receive an official certificate that will be awarded at the Opening Ceremony of the Society’s Annual Meeting. SIP council has allocated $ 1,500 (U.S. dollars) for this award.

Early career scientists are
eligible for this award if they meet the following requirements:

  • The nominee has made significant contributions to the field of invertebrate pathology through research, teaching, and/or outreach after completion of his/her PhD research.
  • The PhD degree of the nominee must have been granted no more than eight years prior to the submission deadline for this award.
  • The nominee is a current member of SIP and, has been a member for at least the past two years. Nominees with active involvement in the society (e.g. has hold division positions, committee membership, meeting organization) will be viewed positively.

Early career scientists must be nominated  for this award by an active member of the Society of Invertebrate Pathology. Self-nominations are not accepted. However, if an early career scientist considers to be eligible, this person may ask an SIP member in good standing for the nomination. The deadline for submission of the nominations is extended to March 10, 2025 (Extended to March 24, 2025). Candidates can apply multiple times (in different years) as long as they are eligible (see above) but can receive the award only once during their career.


For nominations the online submission form should be completed and the following documents should be submitted as one single PDF:


  • The contact information of the nominator
  • A nomination letter from an SIP member in good standing (maximum length 1200 words): This should contain a thorough, but concise summary of the principal contributions of the nominee to the field of invertebrate pathology (research/teaching/outreach). The nomination letter should also summarize the candidate’s future goals and the services that the nominee has provided to SIP.
  • An endorsement letter from another regular SIP member, who has or has had a different professional relationship with the nominee (e.g. Letters from two former dissertation supervisors will not be accepted). Both these letters should clearly describe the reason for the nomination and the nature of the professional relation to the nominee (if any).
  • The nominee´s CV (maximum 3 pages). This document should contain the nominee’s current contact information, professional record, including the official date of the PhD degree, employment affiliations, list of prior awards, extramural grant records, society of invertebrate pathology related activities, publications list.
  • A proposed abstract for the presentation at the SIP meeting.

Procedure: Soon after the deadline the executive secretary will forward the nominations to the Chair of the Student Contest and Award Committee. A committee, consisting of the Members of the Award Committee, the President-Elect, the Past-President, and the Trustees of SIP, will evaluate and select the best candidate. The Chair of the Award Committee will contact the winner and will verify the winner’s attendance at the forthcoming annual meeting of SIP. Once the winner has accepted the award, all nominators will be informed by the Chair of the Award Committee.

The winner of this award will be expected to give a 20 min oral presentation, followed by a 5 min discussion during the Annual Meeting. The nominator (or the respective division chair) will be required to give a 3-5 minute laudation to introduce the award winner. Overall this presentation will be scheduled in the scientific program with a duration of 30 minutes (hence a double slot in a relevant contributed oral presentation sessions).
The abstract for this presentation also needs to be submitted separately to the meeting organizing committee before the meeting’s deadline (please indicate it is the early career award presentation).

Confirmation that the application has been received will be sent out.

 If additional information is needed, please contact sip@sipweb.org

Early Career Award Application
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