Division Award Information

Division and Martignoni Award

Division Travel Award/Martignoni Award

Students can apply for a Division travel award by submission of an application (see instructions below) for either an oral or poster presentation. Travel Awards are $1,250 (US dollars) and awards will be handed out per division.


Applications will be evaluated by judges from the appropriate division and all applicants will be informed when the decisions have been made. Criteria for ranking the applications is primarily on scientific excellence and the ability of the students to communicate their science effectively in their application. From the applications, the division judges will select candidates to be considered for the Mauro Martignoni Award.


The Mauro E. Martignoni Student Award is the Society's premier award for student research. The members of the Award and Student Contest Committee and the division chairs will select the Martignoni Award winner from the top-ranked candidates of each division. The chair of the Award and Student Contest Committee will contact the winner and will verify the winner’s attendance at the forthcoming annual meeting of the SIP. Once the winner has accepted the award, all nominators will be informed by the Chair of the Award Committee.


An award certificate and $1,750 (US dollars) will be presented to the Martignoni Award winner at the Annual Meeting of the SIP. The applicant is required to present the results of his/her research in an oral presentation at the meeting. The applicant who is selected for the Martignoni Award cannot receive another travel award in the same year and is eligible to receive the Martignoni Award only once during his/her career.


Deadlines for submission of Division Travel Awards is April 15, 2025. Committee decisions are made within one month. Certificates will be handed over at the meeting, and award prizes can be provided in advance if funds are needed for travel (in that case contact (sip@sipweb.org).

Who can apply for a Student Travel Award and the Martignoni Award?

  • Applicants must be enrolled in a university degree program (BS, MS, PhD) or have graduated from a MSc or PhD program during the calendar year of the award presentation. Students who graduate (MSc or PhD) during the year of the meeting are still eligible for awards!
  • Applicants need NOT be a member of the SIP or of any Division sponsoring a travel award.
  • Award applicants must submit an abstract of their work and must present this work in person (oral or poster) at the Society's Annual Meeting.
  • Applications for all travel awards (both poster and oral presentations) should pertain to topics in invertebrate pathology and/or microbial/biological control.
  • Applicants should specify in which SIP Division they are applying for a travel award.
  • Applicants must provide an e-mail address for communication.
  • Each applicant is eligible to receive only one travel award per year.

How to apply for a Division Travel Award?

You need to supply the following information as one single PDF using the link at the end of this page:


  • Curriculum vitae. This should include your name, address, e-mail address, institution, earned degrees, current degree program, honors and awards, research experience, and a list of publications and previous presentations.
  • A short biographical sketch and description of scientific interests and goals.
  • A letter from your supervisor providing (1) a recommendation, (2) verification of your student status, and (3) confirmation that the research presented was conducted by you. If you are not listed as the first author of the submitted abstract, your supervisor must explain your specific role in the research and how you have met this requirement.
  • Presentation abstract. The body of the abstract should be 200 words or less and should provide a summary of your presentation. The title, authors, author affiliations, and presentation category (oral or poster) should be clearly indicated. Your research contribution is one of the most important criteria for selection. Therefore, the abstract should be crafted with care, succinctly describing the research rationale, any unusual or novel methods, and the principal results. An explanation of the significance of the research findings should be offered in conclusion, based on sound interpretation of the results.
  • Methods. Brief (one page) description of experimental and analytical methods employed in conducting the research reported in the presentation abstract.
  • Division. Name one Division only to consider your application for the travel award. However, if your presentation relates to more than one pathogen group or involves fundamental studies such as research on invertebrate immune defence systems, please indicate the Division or Divisions you feel would be most qualified to judge your work.

Confirmation that the application has been received will be sent out.

Please note: Submitting an award application does not automatically ensure your presentation in the meeting program and abstracts. To be included in the program, you MUST also submit your abstract to the meeting organizers as specifically instructed on the meeting website.


If additional information is needed, contact sip@sipweb.org

Travel Award Application
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